Hotel Akhand Chandi- Hotel- Chamba

Posted in : Hotels in India

If you are planning a visit to Chamba City Hotel Akhand Chandi, Hotel, Chamba, Himachal Pradesh is one of the Hotel to consider staying.Hotel Name: Hotel Akhand ChandiCity: ChambaState: Himachal PradeshClass: Hotel

Hotel Akhand Chandi Location and Room in brief:

Number of Rooms: 8
College Road, Chamba


A stay at the Hotel Akhand Chandi, Chamba takes the guests of close to nature and serenity
A stay at the hotel offers the surrounding nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas and the snow covered peaks
The serene surroundings of the hotel make it a perfect holiday destination
The facilities and amenities provided by the hotel supports its fact of being one of the best Hotels in Chamba
The location of the hotel takes the guests close to all the attractions of the town
Moreover the different mode of transportation in the city too lies close to the hotel
The hotel is just a kilometer away from the local bus stand and easily accessible from the nearest railway station.


Accommodation :The accommodation at the Hotel Akhand Chandi is best enjoyed with the well appointed rooms
The rooms are spacious enough for a comfortable stay and are filled with the best of facilities
The rooms at the hotel are categorized as single and double rooms along with the luxurious suites
There are 2 single and 3 double rooms and 3 suites
All the rooms are attached with bath facilities with modern amenities
The room facilities at the hotel are:
Room Service
Hot and cold running water
Channel Music

Dining and Other Comforts

Dining :The multi cuisine restaurant at the hotel is the best place to enjoy the best of cuisines from all over the world
The restaurant also specializes in serving the delicious local delicacies
The restaurant is just another way to enjoy the charm of the stay in Chamba.

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