Panchkula- ENT Doctors

Posted in : Indian Doctors

List of ENT Doctors in the city of Panchkula is below. Panchkula- ENT Doctors is under the main category Haryana Doctors. Name of the Doctor/Hospital/Clinic and Contact Phone numbers of the Doctors practicing in Panchkula is given below as a table for your reference. If you are searching to get treatment from ENT Doctors in Panchkula, please browse the list of  Panchkula- ENT Doctors below:
Address and phone numbers of Panchkula- ENT Doctors

Name Address and Phone No.Specialty
DR S K Bansal29, Sector-8 - Panchkula Haryana, Punchkula Haryana, Panchkula - 134109 (Also serves CHANDIGARH).
Ph: (91)-40-66049733.
ENT Doctors, Doctors Sinusitis, Hearing Care Clinics.
Dr Vishal SharmaSharma Clinic,Shop No-12, NR. Sigma City,Zirakpur, N K Sharma Office Road, panchkula, Panchkula - 134109 (Also serves CHANDIGARH).
Ph: (91)-(120)-2451489.
ENT Doctors, ENT Surgeon Doctors.
Eye Care Clinic121, Sec-7, Panchkula, Panchkula - 134109 (Also serves CHANDIGARH).
Ph: (91)-(866)-2472133.
ENT Doctors, ENT Surgeon Doctors.
Orthonova ClinicHouse No-11, Sec-2, Panchkula, Panchkula - 134109 (Also serves CHANDIGARH).
Ph: (91)-(44)-26470172.
ENT Doctors.

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